Do not consider how handsome or tall he is. I have not chosen him. I do not look at the things people look at. Man looks at how someone appears on the outside. But I look at what is in the heart.
-1 Samuel 16:7
PAUSE: Israel’s first king, King Saul, was a tall, good-looking man. He was someone you would expect to be a king by outward appearances. For the people of Israel, it made sense. However, God makes a clear statement about how he chooses leaders in His Kingdom. It’s not the outward appearance, but the character of one’s heart.
King Saul struggled deeply with insecurity. His new role as king exposed his personal challenges. Though he started well, his lack of integrity caught up to him. He was never able to overcome what he was missing on the inside, and this ultimately led to his destruction on the outside.
When selecting leaders, character always wins. This is why David was selected as the next king of Israel after Saul. He had the heart for the Lord, and the integrity needed to lead a nation.
How does this work in your own life? Where do you spend your time and energy? Is it on the things on the outside or on the things on the inside? Since this is where God places His energy, how should this inform how we place ours?
PRAY: Thank You, God that You see our hearts and chose Jesus to be our Forever King. Help us to love people like you do. Thank You, God that You have a plan and You know best even when we don’t understand.
Get 2 bananas. One needs to be really green on the outside and the other needs to be speckled brown and have a few bruises. Identify which one is sweetest. Then discuss how God looks at our heart not the outside.
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