Steve, Katie, Mercy, Grace, Phoebe, & Jubilee will start their ministry at Bare Memorial Church of God in Roaring Spring on October 21, 2019.
Name: Steve DiBiase
How Did You Meet Your Spouse? Katie and I met at LBC. I first talked to her while I was on the LBC baseball field praying for my future wife and she walked out of her dorm. She was getting ready to go on a date with another guy. When she left for the date, I told her I’d continue the conversation with her. The next day, I stalked her in the dining hall and when she brought her tray up I continued the conversation and the rest is history.
How long have you been at Bare Memorial? 1 Sunday 🙂
What Brought You To Bare Memorial? The Lord brought me and allowed me the privilege of being the Sr. Pastor
What Are Your Prayers For Bare Memorial? That we will be a church family that doesn’t just go to church but that IS the church and shows the love of Christ to a community that desperately needs Him.
What Ministries Are You Involved In? Whatever the Elders and Council tell me I am 🙂
What Service And Pew Can We Find You? Both Services and the Pulpit
Describe Your Childhood: I am the middle child of three. I have an older brother and a younger sister. My childhood consisted mainly of running away from my brother in terror and playing dress up with my sister.
How Did You Decide On A Profession? The Lord called me into full time ministry when I was 15 yrs old
Where Do You Want To Retire? Italy or somewhere there’s a beach
What About You Would We Be Surprised At? I used to be extremely shy. I hated talking in front of people because I would get so nervous
Sweet Tea or Unsweetened Tea? Sweet Tea
KFC or Chick-fil-a? Chick-fil-a
Ford or Chevy? Ford
Early Bird or Night Owl? Neither. If forced to choose I’d say early bird
Mountains or Beach? Beach 1000000%
What Cartoons Did You Grow Up Watching? Thunder Cats, Gargoyles, X-Men, Duck Tales, Animaniacs
One Place You Have Visited? Venice, Italy
One Place Would You Like To Visit? Israel
What Is Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Mint Chocolate Chip. Close second: Butter Pecan. Close Third: Coffee Mocha
What Is Your Favorite TV Show? Friends, Grey’s Anatomy
What Is Your Favorite Hobby? I love playing and watching sports. I also love art (drawing, painting, clay).
Name: Katie DiBiase
Tell Us About Your Family, How Did You Meet Your Spouse? I’m mom to four awesome daughters, and wife to Steve who I met at Lancaster Bible College in ‘03, married in ‘04!
How long have you been at Bare Memorial? Just starting!!!
What Brought You To Bare Memorial? We’re the new pastor and family 🙂
What Ministries Are You Involved In? Previously involved in Sunday school teaching, choir, children’s choir director, youth leader, prayer mentor coordinator, VBS leader, and women’s ministry
What Service And Pew Can We Find You? We’ll see!! I’ll probably be in and out of both services and move around! I do like to sit up front to feel more engaged in service.
Hometown: Littlestown, PA
Describe Your Childhood: Grew up in a solid Christian home. Awesome mom and dad of strong faith and one sister, my best friend. Loved to play outside, play sports, go to church functions, and be with family and friends.
How Did You Decide On A Profession? Always wanted to be a mom. Otherwise would have been a teacher and had I chosen the “big career”- a lawyer
What Are Your Prayers For Bare Memorial? That it would grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus, day by day, and that it would be a place where Christ is exemplified and uplifted.
Where Do You Want To Retire? Near our kids and also have a place in Florida!
What About You Would We Be Surprised At? I’m an old soul at heart, I’m old-fashioned even though I like edgy style and modern things.
Sweet Tea or Unsweetened Tea: unsweetened
KFC or Chick-fil-a? Chick fil a 💕
Ford or Chevy? Ford
Early Bird or Night Owl? I try to be both but that doesn’t work out too well! I am a night owl
Mountains or Beach? always beach💕
What Cartoon Did You Grow Up Watching? I liked PBS shows- Mr.Rodgers and Reading Rainbow
One Place You Have Visited? Texas is fun and beautiful
One Place Would You Like To Visit? The Mediterranean countries, well, all of Europe
What Is Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Hunka Chunka Peanut Butter Fudge at Friendly’s
What Is Your Favorite TV Show? Chuck
What Is Your Favorite Hobby?Katie: just being with my family, at the beach or around the campfire in the backyard, or watching a movie together
Tell Us About Your Family:
Mercy: They are amazing
Grace: My mom is the best and so is everybody else in my family.
Phoebe: I love them all really much
How long have you been at Bare Memorial?
Mercy: Three visits
Grace: three times
Phoebe: two days
What Brought You to Bare Memorial?
Mercy: my dad
Grace: my dad’s job
Phoebe: Dad was getting a new job so we needed to move and we got a new church!
What Ministries Are You Involved In?
Mercy: Bible quizzing
Grace: Bible quizzing
Phoebe: I want to help out little kids
What Service and Pew Can We Find You?
Mercy: unknown
Grace: the library!
Phoebe: the room with a lot of paint in it (the LEAD room)
Mercy: Shippensburg
Grace: Shippensburg
Phoebe: I grew up in Shippensburg
Describe Your Childhood:
Mercy: Fun!
Grace: I was crazy and funny
Phoebe: it was really funny when i blew bubbles and Gracie and Mercy laughed when I was a baby
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Mercy: A veterinarian
Grace: A veterinarian
Phoebe: A rockette and a singer and live on a farm! hahahahaa!!!!
What Are Your Prayers for Bare Memorial?
Mercy: that dad likes preaching there
Grace: that the church will like us
Phoebe: I would like to pray about no one losing their wallet and that everyone that comes believes in God
Where Do You Want to Retire?
Mercy: unknown
Grace: Hawaii
Phoebe: in a big house with red bricks (so, the parsonage??!!)
What About You Would We Be Surprised At?
Mercy: I like to read
Grace: that I was in dance
Phoebe: i like things a certain way, i’m very particular
Quickfire: Sweet Tea or Unsweetened tea?
Mercy: Sweet Tea
Grace: Sweet Tea
Phoebe: sweet tea
KFC or Chick-fil-a?
Mercy: Chick-fil-a
Grace: Chick-fil-a
Phoebe: Chick-fil-a
Ford or Chevy?
Mercy: What’s a Chevy?
Grace: I really don’t know the difference
Phoebe: what is that?
Early Bird or Night Owl?
Mercy: both
Grace: Both
Phoebe: night owl (that is not true, she is an early bird)
Mountains or Beach?
Mercy: beach
Grace: beach
Phoebe: beach! so easy!
What Cartoon Did You Grow Up Watching?
Mercy: Strawberry Shortcake when I was little
Grace: Sofia the First and Daniel Tiger
Phoebe: Princess and the Frog
One Place You Have Visited?
Mercy: North Carolina
Grace: Mt. Vernon
Phoebe: the beach
One Place Would You Like To Visit?
Mercy: California
Grace: Mt. Rushmore
Phoebe: everyone’s house that I know
What Is Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
Mercy: Cookie dough
Grace: Cookie Dough
Phoebe: rainbow sherbet
What Is Your Favorite TV Show?
Mercy: Liv and Maddie
Grace: Liv and Maddie
Phoebe: Liv and Maddie
What Is Your Favorite Hobby?
Mercy: reading
Grace: ride bikes and read
Phoebe: playing outside